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Diverse Software Updates (as of 26th September, 2002)
At SourceForge there's a bevy of updates in Amiga Area.

checkwww.lha                 24-Sep-2002 18:49  1.4K
dcreset.lha                  24-Sep-2002 18:49  580
IBnotWin.lha                 24-Sep-2002 18:50  9.8K
LosColonos.lha               24-Sep-2002 18:50   11K
MRea.lha                     24-Sep-2002 18:50   18K
retardcmd.lha                24-Sep-2002 18:50  827
retardcmd2.lha               24-Sep-2002 18:50  1.0K
SubNewS.lha                  24-Sep-2002 18:50   24K
amtelnet.catalog.lha         24-Sep-2002 18:50  3.1K
bwin.catalog.lha             24-Sep-2002 18:50  1.0K
cc.catalog.lha               24-Sep-2002 18:50  1.4K
facts.catalog.lha            24-Sep-2002 18:51  2.0K
mill.catalog.lha             24-Sep-2002 18:51  3.7K
MUI_.MiamiPanels.catalog.lha 24-Sep-2002 18:51  3.2K
rxmui.catalog.lha            24-Sep-2002 18:51  876
soundconvert.catalog.lha     24-Sep-2002 18:51  1.9K
tsgui.catalog.lha            24-Sep-2002 18:51  1.1K
VirusExecutor.catalog.lha    24-Sep-2002 18:51  6.0K
yam2nn.catalog.lha           24-Sep-2002 18:51  4.1K
abcm2ps-3.1.8.lha            25-Sep-2002 09:14  127K
anubis-3.4.9.lha             25-Sep-2002 09:25  1.3M
cave-1.0a.lha                25-Sep-2002 09:25  125K
hypermail-2.1.5.lha          25-Sep-2002 09:31  268K
integrit-3.02.lha            25-Sep-2002 09:32  178K
muhstik-3.14.2.lha           25-Sep-2002 09:33   84K
nmap-3.0.lha                 25-Sep-2002 09:36  420K
Speex-0.8.1.lha              25-Sep-2002 09:38  282K
webalizer-2.01.10.lha        25-Sep-2002 09:53  1.0M
Dicci-1.8.lha                25-Sep-2002 10:26  420K
dicci-upd.lha                25-Sep-2002 10:26   18K
webalizer-2.01.10-040.lha    25-Sep-2002 10:52  1.1M 

The Tool Report+ from Amigan Software is up to version 5.62 for users of AmigaOS 3.9. With Report+ it's easy to handle bug reports, Aminet "Readme" files, autodocs und similar reports. The program is freeware and supports the GUI systems Reaction and GadTools.
Download: ReportPlus.lha

CleverWIN from Stephan Rupprecht has appeared in version 37.11. This tool is useful for slow hardware, because it allows the windows to be quickly refreshed.

Diego CR yesterday released his reworked software ports for the Amiga:

integrit v3.02
webalizer v2.01.10
hypermail v2.1.5
cave v1.0a
Speex v0.8.1
muhstik v3.14.2
nmap v3.0
Anubis v3.4.9
abcm2ps v3.1.8
Dicci v1.8
MRea v1.0
SubNewS v1.0 

The driver software for the USB card Thylacine has been updated. The software is now up to version 1.1.
Thylacine1.1.dms - Thylacine1.1.lha

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 26. Sep. 2002, 15:41] [Comments: 0]
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