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Warp3D V5 becomes NOVA
Hans-Jörg Frieden from Hyperion Entertainment states on the AmigaOS 4 mailing list: "Warp3D will be named 'NOVA' on OS 4 (Ami3D on AmigaDE). The initial release will still be Warp3D V4.x. The original plan called for Warp3D V5 to be delivered with OS 4, but that was at a time where we where to do Warp3D and OS 4 would come from someone else :-) In the final NOVA release, we'll include developer guides, tutorials and example source code, and hopefully one or two bigger show-off demos with source code." (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 23. Sep. 2002, 15:07] [Comments: 0]
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