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Thorsten Mampel, 1.Vorsitzender Amiga-Club Hamburg (ANF)

Event: AmigaMeeting Nord in Bad Bramstedt 18th-20th Oct 2002
Thorsten Mampel writes:
The Amiga-Meeting Nord will this year again take place in Bad Bramstedt from 18th-20th October 2002.

Details about the event can be gathered from our home page where you can also register.

Contrary to the previous years we are planning to build up an RJ-45 network. If you are coming with your computer, please take along a cable of min. 5m length (NO crossover cable), longer cables are welcome. Two 8 port hubs and a 16 port hub will be supplied. If you want to bring another hub you are welcome to do so to keep cable lengths short.

A BNC connection can be provided for those without an RJ-45 equipped NIC (e.g. Hydra).

The popular hard and software exchange will be reworked completely and can be utilised from every computer in our LAN. There will be a computer for daily visitors without a computer which can be used to surf for free and take part in the exchange.

We will announce details about attending companies/guests and further planned activities shortly.

Best regards

Thorsten Mampel
1st Chairman Amiga-Club Hamburg e.V. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 22. Sep. 2002, 21:43] [Comments: 0]
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