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AROS - The Amiga Research OS (ANF)

AROS: Boot menu, font prefs for Zune
AROS have been mentioned in a news item at OSNews.

Sebastian Heutling implemented an intuition-based boot menu on AROS/x86 native. You can now choose to boot with or without executing the startup-sequence. The plans for this menu also include enabling HIDD switching at boot time.

Georg Steger fixed some text formatting bugs in graphics.library. He also renamed con-handler to con.handler to be consistent, and implemented eac_MatchString/MatchFunc in ExAll (DOS). He added an assign HOME: in AROS/linux to point to the current user's home directory.

Adam Chodorowski started porting the Font Prefs to Zune. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 15. Sep. 2002, 12:51] [Comments: 0]
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