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Jürgen Schober (E-Mail)

Event: Pegasos and AmigaOne at O.A.S.E.
For the first time in Austria, Pegasos and AmigaOne G3SE will be shown at next weekend's O.A.S.E. in Graz.

The Pegasos will be demontrated by DYXS GmbH, a Thendic France partner.

The current AmigaOne G3SE Board has arrived at the organisers PointDesign already in Rev. B, so at least they'll be able to show a current version of the BIOS.

Besides MorphOS on the Pegasos, parts of AmigaOS 4 will be demonstrated. Furthermore the USB cards Thylacine and Highway will be presented with USB devices. You will also be able to see the Norway Ethernet module, Mirage 4000T, and much more.

For the first time in Austria: Linux on Playstation 2, as well as 2 Gamecubes with current games for the gamers.

The O.A.S.E. Open Amiga Southeast Europe Show will take place on 14th and 15th September 2002 in the Hotel Europa in Graz, Austria. Further information about this event can be found on the O.A.S.E. web site. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Sep. 2002, 13:08] [Comments: 5 - 10. Sep. 2002, 18:28]
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