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Bernd Rösch (ANF)

AmiBlitz V2.26 new distribution with extended documentation (Update)
A new distribution of AmiBlitz 2.26 is now available. This new distribution includes an extended documentation, many libs are now described in the online guide and the different syntaxmodes are now described.

editors note:
We are not able to say something about the differences between the above version and the one reported by Amiforce on 08.06.2002. If you anything about it feel free to tell us.

Update 12.06.2002:
David McMinn explained us the difference:

I saw your note on the AmigaNews site, that you could not see the difference between the different AmiBlitz distributions, so I thought I would clarify.

First of all, Bernd Roesch has updated the editor and compiler greatly, and convinced Acid software to release Blitz Basic 2 for free, under the name AmiBlitz2. However, Bernd did not provide a ready-made package for users to download and use, only updates.

I decided to create an user distribution which would provide everything a person needs to start programming in AmiBlitz as I have been maintaining the Blitz2000 site for a few years. Of course, since AmiBlitz is free, anyone can do this if they choose, such as CJ Stroker has done on the AmiForce site.

The differences between the distributions on the Blitz2000 and AmiForce sites are that they have different contents and are aimed at different people. For example, the distribution provided by AmiForce does not seem to have the acidlibs and deflibs files, so you already need a working installation of AmiBlitz to use it (they might have it in other archives on the site though, I have not looked through all of them). The AmiForce site is also more useful for German speaking programmers, as a lot/most of the documentation they have is available in German (for example, the AmiBlitz manuals). The distributions on the Blitz2000 site are available in different sizes and have all the documents for the libraries included in the archive, as well as useful tools and the library files mentioned above.

The only thing which would be nice to keep the same between all distributions is the default set of libraries that are provided. Bernd suggested this as it makes everything easier from the viewpoint of everyone has the same libraries to start off with.

Sorry for the long mail, but I hope this clears the situation up :) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Jun. 2002, 19:29] [Comments: 0]
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