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Gamasutra: Technology Inspires Creativity: Indie Game Jam Inverts Dogma 2001
Developing games today is very time consuming and costly. Furthermore, developers tend to first concentrate on familiarizing with new hardware to technically make the best use of it. Both go at the expense of new game ideas. In above article Ernest Adams describes the "Indie Game Jam" as antipole to currently adopted game development practice.

The basis for this jam was the question of how many sprites you can display on screen nowadays. After a bit of research, the answer was "round about 100,000". This served as the basis for the development of a simple games engine.

A small group of games developers was then invited to the "Indie Game Jam", who then went on to develop 12 news games within 4 days.

The article describes the surroundings and the games, and offers concluding information in an interview with Chris Hecker, one of this meeting's organisators. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2002, 21:19] [Comments: 0]
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