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Amiga Future

Datatype: ilbmdtPPC V45.9 by Stephan Rupprecht
On 1st June 2002, Stephan Rupprecht has published version 45.9 of his ILBM PPC Datatype for displaying IFF ILBM pictures. Compared to the previous version, the following changes have been made:

  • Bug fix: Because of the change in version 45.7 b/w and greyscale pictures couldn't be loaded anymore (greyscale pictures already didn't work before that).
  • Bug fix: As the OS picture.datatype doesn't pass on HAM and EHB pictures in Chunky format correctly, a workaround for this has been incorporated.

The Datatype runs with AmigaOS 3, CPU 020+, PPC 603+ as well as picture Datatype V43+.

Download: ilbmdtPPC.lha (17K), Readme (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2002, 16:51] [Comments: 0]
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