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Chaos Computer Club

CCC: EU-parliament said yes to data retention
Despite of many protests the EU-parliament has agreed to loosen the data protection in the EU.

»The passed order "about the processing of personal data and the protection of the private sphere in the electronic communication" enables the memebership states to loosen the regulation of protection for data of connections to "carry out penal persecution and to save the national and public safety. Thus the way is free for the so called data retention.

Data retention means that the data of connections of the participant of the telecommunication are not only individually saved and kept after an official order but for all participants in advance and without a starting suspicion. Because of that the authorities can use also data which are far away in the past. Up to now the data of connections had to be deleted after 80 days after making the calculation.

Data protectors and people of the human rights warn before such a general data saving because thereby they say the fundamental rights for private sphere and freedom of opinion are endangered. Besides this such actions mean a turn away from the assumption of innocence because the data retention above all disadvantage the innocent poeple. Even the committee of the civil rights of the EU voted against it. The 16206 signers of a summons to the parliament refer to it.« (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. May. 2002, 16:10] [Comments: 0]
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