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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

AmigaOS XL: Experiences with the H&P Big-Tower 1800+ (Update)
Dietmar Knoll writes:
In my report, I describe the experiences I have made with the Big-Tower. Version 1.18 of the report finally contains the promised chapters, in which I more closely describe "AmigaXL" and "QNX". Furthermore, I included some links to the "Software" chapter and added the latest "Patches for Amithlon".

Note: The last update was released one month ago. Since the webserver of Compuserve is frozen since the beginning of May, I uploaded this update to Fortunecity, although this server is a bit problematic. In QNX-Voyager popups are generated, in Amiga-Voyager only ads are displayed instead of the images. Therefore, I recommend to use AWeb or Amiga-Voyager (with background images switched off). (ps)

[News message: 31. May. 2002, 11:24] [Comments: 0]
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