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IOSPIRIT brings USB-scanners to the AMIGA
Finally it's going to become a reality! Thanks to the continuous development of fxSCAN 4.0 you will be able to use current USB scanners, interesting both in price and technology, with the release of the latest version!

The required drivers will be made available seperatly in the "IOUSB Scanner Package" (IOUSB SP) with the appearance of fxSCAN 4.0. By building upon the IOUSB technology, it will be possible to use the drivers with both the Poseidon stack (Highway®, Subway®, MorphOS) and the stack contained in AmigaOS® 4.0.

The first driver will support Epson® scanners. Please have a look at the list of supported USB scanners on the fxSCAN- or IOUSB SP-subpages for supported devices.

ATTENTION: SPECIAL OFFER!! All those who preorder (no matter whether update or full version) fxSCAN 4.0 now, get the IOUSB Scanner Package for free!! This special offer takes effect for all already existing preorders, too.

Furthermore fxSCAN 4.0 does now support special scanner settings that may be available through the respective Betascan-drivers. This includes selection of scanner source (e.g. transparency unit or automatic document feeder) and the internal contrast-, brightness-, gamma- and black&,white-pattern-settings of the scanner. PNG is supported for saving now, too.

New screenshots and an updated "NEW in V4!"-list can be found at the fxSCAN-subpages.

The delivery of fxSCAN 4.0 might be delayed (if at all!) by a maximum of two weeks due to the new features and the required tests. Thus delivery should start by mid of July the latest. Thanks for your understanding. (ps)

[News message: 29. May. 2002, 12:33] [Comments: 0]
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