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Thomas Igracki (ANF)

Tool: FSwatcher v1.5
An update of FSwatcher is now available. This update fixes a bug and a new AutoSize option was added. More details:

History v1.5 (26.05.02):
CHG: If you set 'Com=Command' to "" (empty string),
then no action button (named "!") will be created.
[suggested by Todd A. Oberly]

CHG: The value after "time: " now shows the time
since starting the download! Previously the
time when the file was last modified has been

FIX: The "time: " value now also takes care of the
days part of the time, f.e. if a download
started before 00:00 o'clock, the time
was negative.

NEW: Added the magic-stackcookie, to ensure that
it get at least 16K of Stacksize! Shell
v45.6+ is needed for this!

NEW: There a now 2 executables in the archive,
one has a "_NoGuru" appended. This is like
the previous, it shouldn't cause a guru
if an error occured.
The other (w/o the suffix) has some checks
disabled, which reduces the filesize about
3000 Bytes and may cause gurus if an error
occured! The version string tells you which
version you have.

CHG: Removed shell arg SM=SizeMode, replaced by

NEW: New shell arg AS=AutoSize/T
If used (AutoSize = YES), the current size,
the filesize and the bps are shown in B
(=Bytes), if the size is < 1024 Bytes,
in KB, if the size is >= 1024 Bytes and in
MB, if the size is >= 1048576 Bytes!

CHG: Changed the gauge infotext a little bit.

CHG: Remove the alias EXIT for AUTOEXIT, it was
only introduced to use with AmiSat, till
AmiSat required FSwatcher v1.3+.

P.S.: Since 20th May 2002 there is an update of AmiSat[2] available on jah. This version supports the option AUTOEXIT=YES. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. May. 2002, 01:31] [Comments: 0]
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