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Thomas Igracki (ANF)

Tool: FSwatcher version 1.3
There is a major update for FSwatcher which contains many new features and one bug fix. FSwatcher is the name of FileSizeWatcher and therefore looks for the size of a file. For instance if you download a file with a program which has not a transfer window FSwatcher shows you how many bytes have been already transfered. You can use this program also with the file-sharing program Audiogalaxy Satellite.

Download: FSwatcher.lzx

Version 1.3 (16/17.05.02):

  • FIX: Fixed the automatically closing of the finished requester
  • NEW: You can now set the env-var 'FSwatcher' to your default args. It will be parsed before the commandline is parsed. Therefore all /S shell args are now /T args, if you want to set a /T arg you have to put a "ON" or "YES" after it, and if you want to unset it, you have to use "OFF" or "NO"!
  • NEW: New shell arg QUIET/T [suggested by jah] Should ALL error requesters be suppressed? Well the "Dos.ReadArgs() failed!" isn't suppressed;-)
  • NEW: New shell arg BPSBar/T Should a small gauge showing the current bps relative to the max bps be displayed?
  • NEW: New shell arg TimeOut/N If a transfer is stalled (-> the "---" display) AND AUTOEXIT/T is used, the window will close after 'TimeOut' seconds. Defaults to 10. You can use values from 0 to 30. 0 means, no timeout.
  • NEW: New shell arg Delay=UpdateDelay/N Update the display every x seconds. Defaults to 2. You can use values from 1 to 10.
  • NEW: New shell arg KB=ShowKBytes/T If the current size and the filesize should be displayed in "kb", then you should set this argument to ON or YES,
  • NEW: the window doesn't gets activated when its opened
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. May. 2002, 10:26] [Comments: 0]
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