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3D: 3DLabs' P10 VPU - When a CPU & GPU collide
On 3 May 2002 an English article about P10-VPU (Visual Processing Unit) by 3DLabs was published at AnandTech.

As a 3D processor this VPU exceeds the previous possibilities of the GPUs (Vertex, Pixel-Shader) and is supposed to be more easily programmed. The article describes the basic architecture of P10-VPU and compares it to GeForce4.

The article doesn't talk about the command setting of VPU. Some information about this is included in the Heise newsticker news: 'Graphic processor for everything'.

The chip is supposed to contain more than 200 SIMD units and it can support complex operations such as loops and subroutines, which the current Vertex and Pixel-Shaders cannot do.

Appendix 05.05.2002:
press release about VPU by 3DLabs from 3 May 2002. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 05. May. 2002, 18:05] [Comments: 0]
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