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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Astronomy: news about Digital Almanac
Achim Stegemann wrote:
Because of the results of the poll held by me regarding Digital Almanac and OS4 I have taken according measures regarding the code of Digital Almanac.

The following has been removed or tightened:

  • Only modern upgraded Amigas will be supported (FPU, graphics board >16 Bit, at least 32 MB RAM, OS 3.9).
  • Program functions that were not of interest for the customers have been removed (external telescope control, VSOP87 planets theory).
  • MPEG animation has been removed as this is too much for the Amiga regarding its capacity.
This is new:
  • Implementation of the Hipparcos stars catalogue as cross index.
  • Improved data about stars parallaxes of almost 100,000 stars.
  • Improved star ephemerides, Hertzsprung-Russel diagram.
  • Improved GUI. Many single functions have been integrated in a page orientated window and sorted by topics (see MUI prefs, STRICQ etc).
  • Automation of some settings that had to be done by hand before.
  • Animation size independant of screen size.
  • ... and some more things.

About the implementation of an ARexx interface is still not decided. But in case of an implementation shall the communication not only be done from ARexx in direction of the program but an ARexx script shall also be able to receive data from the program (via so called STEM variables). But ARexx will only be implemented if there's an big enough interest by the users existing.

Soon I'll upload the first beta snapshot of the new DA3 version to the net.

Further information as well as screenshots of the most important visual changes can be taken from the DA3 site (title link). (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. May. 2002, 22:23] [Comments: 0]
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