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Thomas Frieden (E-Mail)

Statement from Hyperion: GREX and Warp3D performance problems
It has come to our attention that the GREX consumer-version suffers from serious performance problems when used in conjunction with Warp3D and a Voodoo 3.

The same Voodoo 3 Warp3D driver-code runs substantially faster on the Prometheus and the Mediator which is clearly a sub-optimal situation considering the much higher bandwidth available on the Cyberstorm PPC/GREX 4000 combo.

We can only conclude that something in the consumer-version of the GREX is interfering with the normal operation of the driver, be it the software, be it the hardware itself or a combination of both.

It's equally unclear if the same problem arises also on the GREX-1200.

We want to take the opportunity to strenuously deny the rumour spread by certain dealers that we are trying to extract an additional license-fee from DCE to correct this problem.

Time permitting, we would be most happy to correct this problem although we fear this may well prove impossible without the cooperation of DCE.

Thomas Frieden
Senior Developer, Hyperion Entertainment (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2002, 17:02] [Comments: 4 - 05. May. 2002, 23:09]
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