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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

Amithlon: Change to the FAQ-page of Bernd Meyer
As reported, on 02.04.2002 Bernie Meyer made a public statement of the sales situation of Amithlon. Apparently no agreement has been reached, because on 16.04.2002 Bernie Meyer changed his FAQ page as follows:

I want to have it!
That's not possible right now, unfortunately. I explained the license problems in the statement. However I hope to have a new, improved, and completely licensed version available soon.

And when will that be for sale?
Hopefully very soon, after the unhappy stuff is cleared up.

Does Amiga Inc. want to publish it?
Yeah, they want to. Things have changed. Nobody is happy about it, least of all me. Amithlon was always meant to be a complete solution, with fully licensed ROMs and AmigaOS. Haage & Partner apparently didn't share this position, but I am personally not ready to compromise in this regard.

Observation of
Until now we have just heard one side of the story, so we asked H&P about this sticky wicket. Unfortunately it's not possible for H&P to speak because the signed contracts between Bernie Meyer, Harald Frank (VMC) und H&P clearly state these internal matters not be discussed publicly.

And Bill McEwen can't or won't speak either. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 16:32] [Comments: 5 - 20. Apr. 2002, 13:34]
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