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Gerhard Pircher (ANF)

TOMORROW: Amiga: the Friend of the Player
There's an article on TOMMORROW about the Amiga, under the name "Amiga: the Friend of the Player." The article covers the topic of Amiga on the PC (UAE.) The article starts with this wonderful sentence: »Funny haircuts and acidwash jeans, no-one wants these fashion disasters of the 80's back again. But that's not the case with computer games. Even today the eyes of old gamers light up, when they daydream about the legendary computers like C64 or Commodore Amiga. Bring a new life to old games like "Turrican" or "Monkey Island.« (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 11:01] [Comments: 0]
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