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Benjamin de Waal (AmigaOne-ML)

Amiga Information Site
Due to the number of complaints on several public lists and forums regarding a lack of a centralised place for Amiga information of all kinds (classic, AmigaOne, OS4, Amiga Anywhere), I am working on such a site.

It's TEMPORARY home is at Please note that the current layout is very much not going to be the final look of the page. I've got it how it is so that I can easily and quickly add pages and information without the need to work on the nitty-gritty of looks - I'm no website designer but please don't send ideas for how you think I can make it look better, I'll come to that when I've got enough information to warrant having a page in the first place. What I'd like to request is that anyone who feels they can contribute, please do so by emailling me information and pages to include. This is not intended as a news site so I don't want information about upcoming events and that sort of thing, just straight info. I'd appreciate it if you send me whole pages to just slot in where appropriate that you design them with no javascript, frames, or scripting of any kind - just straight and plain HTML with links - also if you could keep images to an absolute minimum as I only have 10MB webspace with my ISP and don't intend on moving it to a real server until it's complete enough to be the kind of place I'd be happy to point people for more information. My 10MB should be plenty if we can keep it to being pure text and key images only. If you take a look at what I've got there at the moment, you'll see the general kind of things I want. My AmigaOne page is probably about the most complete at the moment, but I could very much do with more technical information linked off the AmigaOne specs (most of those links I've written about one or two lines only at present).

The general idea is that anyone of any level can look at the site. People click on the AmigaOne link and see basic information. Techie types say, I want to know more about xxx, and click on that link for more tech info. Any information that is implied or suggested but not directly stated anywhere by someone "official" should be marked as such. I know you might mean well, but unsubstantiated rumors are NOT the intended goal of the site. I'm going to be putting a lot of my personal time and effort into maintaining the information and keeping it all as up to date as possible and I'd appreciate not having to wade through mountains of rumor and misinformation. Information regarding anything to do with Amiga is welcomed, but no "this is better than that" without hard fact to back it up. Presently I'm mostly interested in information on AmigaOne, AmigaOS4, Classic Amiga (history), Amithlon and AmigaDE (Anywhere), however if someone wants to write something about MorphOS, UAE, Pegasos, Merlancia, pOS, Classic Amiga expansions, software issues or anything else relevant, I won't reject it (if it's factual, unbiased and contains useful information of course).

Also, obviously, if anyone sees anything on the page that they think is incorrect, let me know and I'll investigate it further.

To avoid spamming these lists with ideas, please send information/pages directly to me at either or with "page submission" in the subject (just so I can filter for it, I get ALOT of mail). (sd)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2002, 20:26] [Comments: 0]
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