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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Poll results and consequences
First of all "Thanks" to all Amigans who participated in the poll (Digital Almanac). Though the poll was not representative, it has showed several directions:

About 80% of all participants have shown their interests in the AmigaOne and Pegasos board. But most of them want to wait how the market will develop before they decide to buy one of the boards.

Astonishing: Almost all were not sure whether to buy the AmigaOne AmigaOne or the Pegasos, but almost all would prefer OS 4 rather than MorphOS! That's not a miracle, as both boards have almost identical specifikations. And Amiga has shown with the publishing of BoingBag 2 and the specs of OS 4, that development is continuing, while it has been quiet calm with MorphOS during the past month. Also most participants await a higher compatibility from OS 4 to old OS 3 instead from MorphOS.
This shows, how important it is for Amigans, that the current existing software will run reliable under the new OS. However, it is currently unknown, how much new software will be released for OS 4.
Read more under the title link. (ps)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2002, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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