amiga.org: Hyperion-Chat (AmigaExpo 2002) (Update)
The Amiga Expo 2002 Hyperion chat is now available for download!
Download: Amiga-Expo-2002-hyperion.mp3 (5,5 MB)
Some interesting snippets of information, posted by SlimJim:
- Screenshots of Amiga OS 4.0 will be published in the first part of April.
- Magic Menu and Birdie (among others) will be seamlessly integrated into the OS 4.0 interface.
- The new OS 4.0 GUI will look quite different (i.e it will not just look like a fast OS 3.9).
- Opus Magellan 2 has been licensed for OS 4.0 (details unknown).
- For the moment, the new printer system is not due to arrive until Boingbag/OS 4.1.
- The _latest_ MUI source code will be used (there was a question about this)
- IBrowse2.3 will be quite some beast. It will be enhanced
for OS4.0. Not just some Aminet update. It will still miss
some features of Netscape/IE though. There is not time to
fix all to OS4.0. Flash is planned to be implemented. IB
will be _much_ more stable than it is now.
- The guy that did the Warp-datatypes seems to be doing the
new PPC-datatypes.
- The datatype system as a whole is to get a complete overhaul later.
There is not enough time to do that to initial release.
- An office suit (Open office if I remember correctly)
is being worked on. This is a 'high priority' for inclusion.
(although it was not clear to me if it would be shipped initially)
- The development of software -independent of company size-
is difficult to predict. But Mr. Hermans seems quite
confident of an end-user release in May.
Update 02.04.2002:
Here a largher transscript from
[News message: 31. Mar. 2002, 06:55] [Comments: 0]
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