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Mirko Naumann (E-Mail)

Hardware: CD-rewriter Plextor: 40x rewriter for the ATAPI interface
As already reported on 2 February 2002, Plextor is now offering a 40x rewriter for the ATAPI interface (E-IDE). Here just a brief update by Mirko Naumann:

The PlexWriter 40/12/40A is now also available in Germany. The price of the bulk version (drive, instruction book, PlexTools, E-IDE (ATAPI) cable and audio cable) is around 215,-EUR while the retail version with additional 5 CD-R, 1CD-RW, the PC-Sofware Nero + InCD and a few installation screws costs around 230,-EUR. According to US advertisements you can write a CD-R in about 3 minutes. In any case this is probably the fastest and best equipped CD rewriter on the market. Other companies have only stocked 32x and 36x rewriters. In addition, the PlexWriter can easily create security copies (1:1) of copy-protected CDDAs such as BravoHits 34. (ps) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 24. Feb. 2002, 03:06] [Comments: 0]
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