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Jürgen Lange (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: New Executive Update from Bill McEwen
Bill McEwen just released a new Executive Update:

Bill McEwen - February 22, 2002

Greetings to the Global Amiga family,

Yes, I know that it has been more than a week, and yes the deal is still on, and yes we are moving very quickly as I will outline to you all below

I want to personally thank our friends and families for sticking with us and with our dreams as they are coming to reality.

As Amiga has matured over the last two years, and our plans only slightly changed I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you for your patience and excitement as we move forward.

In 1999 Amiga, Inc. decided to take a very different road than the ones previously charted for the community. It was met, by some, with disbelief, most with excitement as a path was being laid towards a future where digital content would be accessed by any digital device. Amiga selected an unknown partner in the Tao-Group of Reading England, and I can assure you that this was the best decision we have made.

Tao and Amiga have never been closer as a true partnership is in place. I want to thank Francis Charig my dear friend, and the rest of the Tao team as they been instrumental to the successes that will become public knowledge soon.

However with all of the great plans that were in place and the product development that had started there was still the issue of having funds necessary to make it all happen, and the addition of Frank Wilde as our Chairman has been amazing help, and I can say we are moving forward in ways that are going to bring Amiga to new levels, and I could not be more happy with the results that we are seeing.

Thank you to everyone of you who are keeping the faith and spreading the truth about Amiga.

I have several announcements that are happening here, and you need to know that we are definitely going to have more Amiga enabled products ship in 2002 than in any year previous.
  1. Our STB partner - Nokia, and their new Media Terminal. Yes, the same Nokia that you all know and love. Amiga will be pre-loaded on these products and we will begin shipping on them before summer this year. More information will be made available soon.
  2. I often get messages asking when we are going to let the rest of the world know what is happening. Well for all of you who have asked - Amiga will be at the Embedded Systems Show in San Francisco, CA, March 12 through the 15th. We will be in booth #1602, located in the South Hall of Moscone Center. We will be showing the new Amiga technology, and some exciting new features never before seen in any other product. We will also be making at least one announcement there at the show.
  3. We have two more new members added to the team and there are many more that will be announced soon. The first two are part of our sales team. Both are dynamic and excited to be part of the Amiga family. Liz Barnick and David Brott joined us in January, and are establishing themselves quickly with regards to new business, and great ideas. I have included information about them both in a separate document that is attached to this update.
  4. AmigaOS 4.0 is moving ahead very nicely and I could not be more pleased with Hyperion and their ability to get things done. We will all be very proud of their efforts, and I know that many of you will be rewarded with what they have already accomplished, and with the product that they are building.

I can assure you that your patience will be met with great rewards, and there are many others who are now learning what you have known. That Amiga has the most robust, talented, dedicated community of any computing platform today or in the future.

Thank you again for your continued prayers and support. You are about to be rewarded.

Amiga to Deploy AmigaDE on Nokia Infotainment Device for the Home
Liz Barnick Joins Amiga as Director, Business Development
David Brott Joins Amiga as Director, Business Development

With my best to everyone,

Bill McEwen and the rest of the Amiga Team (cd)

[News message: 23. Feb. 2002, 12:06] [Comments: 0]
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