Amiga Arena - interview special
Amiga Arena spoke with the programmer
Helmut Hoffmann about the development of PhotoAlbum/CyberShow as well as the
current situation. You'll find the interview at the title link.
In December 2001, a new update of "PhotoAlbum/CyberShow"
was released almost on the same day as the last version from 1999.
Olaf Köbnik: "For me personally, this was a little sensation, because after
the server "AmigaWorld" was offline you didn't hear much about PhotoAlbum/CyberShow.
With "PhotoAlbum" there still exists one of the very few shareware programs today
which is not only equal but also superior to similar commercial programs. Personally,
I can only recommend "PhotoAlbum" and hope that Helmut Hoffmann will continue to
add new features!"
(ps) (Translation: rh)
[News message: 18. Jan. 2002, 21:16] [Comments: 0]
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