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Computer club: APC&TCP dissolved (Update)
On 23rd December 2001 APC&TCP announced officially that the computer club APC&TCP was dissolved. The APC&TCP distribution continues to exist. (ps) (Translation: rh)

Update 31. December 2001:
Kilian Servais, issuer of the APC&TPC disk magazine NoCover (German) wrote to the German comments on this article:

Dissolving of the club in deed is not that tragical, because the only service, which alwas has been taken consequently, was the NoCover. Meantime this became freeware and everybody, who would like to, can registert to the email distribution list free of charge - just send an email to! In the times of Internet and email a club, like the APC&TCP has been, only makes sense in a very limited way, anyway, cause the Community will stay alive in any case. All users without Internet account can get the NoCover on floppy disk, as well. Due to the club dissolving the yearly charge slipps, but though we will try to offer as much services as possible.

So, at heart dissolving of the club is no step back but a step forward. The NoCover can get well as freeware, Andreas can concentrate on the Future (German Amiga games magazine), etc., etc.. So people: We'll keep at it!! What ever may come!!

Kilian Servais / Hersg. der NoCover
(mj) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Dec. 2001, 20:42] [Comments: 0]
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