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Telepolis: Mail for you!
An initiative wants to retaliate upon AOL - they return one million CDs to sender.

In his article Torsten Kleins talks about the return of one million AOL CDs planned by Nomoreaolcds from a completely different point of view.

»Christmas is the time for giving. Our cupids get extensively packed presents from indoctrinated salespersons, donation collectors leave houses with filled collecting boxes, even postmen and garbagemen - sorry: post deliverers and garbage technicians become the target of our lordliness.
But there are only a few companies as involved with the latter two professional guilds as AOL is. What the fist one puts into our postpoxes in exhausting legwork the second one comes to pick it up shortly after: AOL CDs. It is the time to say thank you to the friendly provider from America. Let us send a parcel to AOL.«
See title link for the complete Telepolis article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Dec. 2001, 14:00] [Comments: 0]
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