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Back to the Roots Amiga-News 235
BTTR-Team write:
This time we are happy to announce the biggest update in the history of Back to the Roots! After upgrading our system a bit we can offer you some additional services, this update's highlights are an Aminet full mirror and an anonymous FTP server.

Due to extending our team we are able to present you more than 500 (!!!) new games in our download archive. We can't list all titles here, but please visit BTTR if you'd like to play games like Airbus A-320, Armour Geddon, Blue Max, Chambers of Shaolin, Karate Kid II, Lethal Xcess, Ports of Call, Skweek, Pinball Dreams, Car-Vup, Subwar 2050 and hundreds of other software pearls.

As usual for each update you can download lots of new AGA, ECS and PC demos as well as tons of new music files and pictures (this time cover scans!). There are more surprises, so just come by and see! (ps)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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