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18. CCC: Freedom Rights in the Data Net
Chaos Computer Club e.V.


Press information on the 18th Chaos Communication Congress,

27.-29. December, 2001 in Berlin, Germany, Haus am Köllnischen Park

"Hacking is not a crime"

For the 18. year the Chaos Computer Club e.V. is organizing the Chaos Communication Congress between Chritsmas and new year's day in Berlin, Germany. This event with the subtitle "the European hackers party" during the last years became a significant meeting of about 2,500 European net activists, on which beside of dealing with topical technology developments also the social effects and parameters of the information community allways play part.

After the serious incidences of this year and numerous laws the congress' motto "hacking is not a crime" especially indicates dealing with the freedrom rights in the data nets.

"This year numerous legal arrangements have been done in a time marked by terror attacks and war propaganda, regardless of the net users and aspects of data security", Andy Müller-Maguhn, CCC speaker, illustrated the meeting's background. Especially legalizing almost unresticted rights for intelligent services to access Internet and phone connections is one of the focal points of the this year's congress.

The international participants of the this year's congress will also deal with the lack of knowledge of computer security aspects with politicians. With the Cybercrime-Convetion passed by the European Council - virtual unrecognized in the shadow of the impacts of September 11th - a law got passed which e.g. punishes the spread of computer viruses. "Until now, the Chaos Computer Club did not see any computer virus worrying about laws, in spite of intensive investigations done", Jens Ohlig, club speaker, commented this law.

"But, an alarming fact is, that already the release of attacking methods and the spread of tools for testing security arrangements in data nets shall be punished in the future. This would restrict the free and required dealing with the problems regarding computer security and hence this would prevent development of solution possibilities", explained CCC speaker Müller-Maguhn the club's objections.

On the this year's congress beside of the usual lectures about technic developments, workshops, and podium discussions for specially there will be two strategy workshops, too, in which European net activits will deal with the question of a better cooperation and strategies regarding public relations. Especially the desiderative consideration of the rights of informational self-determination and the public access to information within the scope of the amendment of copyright laws appear to make this required.

The alignment of the congress' content is rounded by traditional elements such like the hack center / data freeport, and a laboratory for electronic experiments, public archive, and several project presentations. In the scope of the presentations there will also be an explaination of the still open installation Blinkenlights of the Chaos Computer Club, which will can be seen on the "Haus des Lehrers" on the Alexanderplatz, until the end of February.

More information about the congress can be found under

Blinkenlights on the "Haus des Lehrers", Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany, or

On Wednesday, 26. December 2001 there will be a press conference at 14:00 MET on the congress in the "Haus am Köllnischen Park". (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 23:36] [Comments: 0]
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