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Michael Herrmann (ANF)

AMCLUST: To the AMIGA community
Dear AMIGA community,

in the coming year the AMCLUST (Amiga Club Steinfurt, Germany) celebrates its 15th year. When I founded the club with two friends in September 1987 I wouldn't have thought that we would still stick with our "old" AMIGA 15 years later. And I am not alone, even if the number of members has decreased rapidly in the last years. Remaining is the "hard core" for which it's worth to steer the AMCLUST towards its 20th year.

With Christoph "Chriskay" Kirsch and Marco Wilka we have sadly lost two very good programmers last year, both have stopped their work on AMIGA projects (DataM-II, CROSS) and have switched to Linux.

On the other side we still have very active developers with Christian Effenberger and Guido Mersmann and some optimism is certainly justified.

In any case we will celebrate the 15th year of the AMCLUST, how and when is not decided yet, but we are already making plans.

Without the AMIGA community the AMCLUST certainly wouldn't be existing anymore, so a wholehearted thank you to all of you out there. A special thanks to Petra Struck and her team for the first-class

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, we'll see, read and hear us in the new year...

- mice - (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 21. Dec. 2001, 15:09] [Comments: 0]
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