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Da SixK Port Page

Game ports by SixK basing on the SDL Library
During last week it was often reported about the SDL library port for AmigaOS and MorphOS. The SDL library allows platform comprehensive programming of games and other multimedia products. SixK now published five game ports on their website (title link), which base on this library.

Note: These is about a beta versions, which in part were not tested for run capability, yet.

  • Xrick - A Rick Dangerous game using SDL. Work for 68k and Mos (Except if you have a Mediator + P96 like me for Mos).
  • Supertux - A platform game using SDL. Don't remember if it works, but it should.
  • Sdlroids - An asteroid clone game using SDL.
  • Mangoquest - A GL game using SDL - not fully tested.
  • Glaxium - An openGL game using SDL.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 22:38] [Comments: 0]
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