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04.Dec.2001 Christian Hujer (ANF) |
Adobe SVG Viewer for Unix Since a couple of days Adobe is offering the SVG Viewer for downlaod on the page for unsupported versions as version 3.0 beta 1 in English for Red Hat Linux 7.1 and Solaris 8. The SVG Viewer is a web-browser plugin for displaying vector images of the XML basing W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (see Heise's articel, German). The Windows and Mac versions have an ActiveX interface for the Internet Explorer and a Netscape plugin interface for Netscape 4.x (and by this it is supposed to run with Konqueror and other browsers supporting the Netscape interface at 100%). Contrary to that the Linux version has a Mozilla interface and does not support Netscape's plugin architecture which is poorly documented, anyway. In a first try this plugin could not be used under SuSE Linux 7.2 with Mozilla 0.9.5 RPM, it was not recognized, but Mozilla 0.9.5 and the plugin still are beta versions. For the final versions a better cooperation of both may be expected. With the Adobe SVG Viewer available for Linux and Solaris the popularity and use of SVG might increase very much. Of course the Linux port is available as binary only unfortuantely, meaning that it mainly contains of .so files (libraries) compiled for x86 Linux. That is, though there is a x86 Linux port now, an Amiga port is as far away as ever. Even the efforts of are promising more remedy. (ps) (Translation: mj) [News message: 04. Dec. 2001, 02:54] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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