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Czech Amiga News

Astronomy pogram: The Digital Universe v1.03
If you haven't yet purchased "The Digital Universe" for the Amiga, now is the perfect opportunity. As long as you are able to download a 11.6 Mb archive from our web site onto your computer, you can now obtain the full V1.03 for a shareware payment. The online distribution is in every way identical to the earlier CD-ROM distribution, other than the change of format and a reduction of price.

The entire user manual is integrated into the software as a context-sensitive help system.
For a full description of the Amiga version of "The Digital Universe", we invite you to our web site at There, you will find a description of the features of the software, sample screen snapshots, and an online order form.
If you have moved on to a Macintosh or Windows environment, we are currently shipping a version of the software for the Mac and are at work developing a Windows port.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to write to, or phone us at 780-961-2213. Thanks for your continued support! (ps)

[News message: 23. Nov. 2001, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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