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Yoris Benjamin (E-Mail)

Hyperion: Warp3D support for Permedia 3 and ATI Radeon
Hyperion Entertainment has entered into an agreement with third parties to ensure Permedia 3 and ATI Radeon support for Warp3D, effectively doubling the number of supported chipsets.

"We are thrilled to be able to open up ever more possibilities to users of Amiga PCI busboards", says Ben Hermans, managing partner of Hyperion Entertainment. "The Permedia 3 is around 6 times faster than the Permedia 2 and offers a lot more functionality including full OpenGL compliance. The chipset is still frequently used in high-end 3D workstations. The ATI Radeon family is undeniably state of the art with well-rounded 2D performance and top-notch 3D performance that is on par with anything out there in the Wintel world. Support for the Radeon family will allow Amiga users to enjoy unrivalled performance and functionality."

More details will be disclosed in the upcoming weeks. (ps)

[News message: 20. Nov. 2001, 17:32] [Comments: 0]
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