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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

Event: e.p.i.c interactive on the Amiga 2001 in Cologne
e.p.i.c interactive entertainment will attend this year's Amiga show at the Mediapark in Cologne. Our booth will be marked by our realtime strategy hit EARTH 2140. The EARTH 2140 mission pack will be introduced and for the first time available to the customers on the show in Cologne (if UPS will not let us down). The mission pack extends the Mac and Amiga version with 80 new single player missions and the multi-player mode (LAN) long awaited for the Amiga.

Another innovation is the latest version of the movie player MooVID PRO which was optimized in many parts. Of course there will be all of our product line, like Simon The Sorcerer II and Foundation Gold, at amazing show prices. Furthermore we will presentate some of our products on an Apple Mac, which also will be available for Pegasos/MorphOS, soon. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 15. Nov. 2001, 14:10] [Comments: 0]
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