Emulation: Playstation emulator FPSE 0.09, Amiga Revision 2
Mathias Roslund has released a new version of the Playstation emulator FPSE. It is the second Amiga-version which is based on version 0.09. You need a Playstation Bios-rom to emulate. There are some screenshots to the Amiga-version.
It follows the original message:
A new release with some bugfixes and added features. Memory card support
is fixed, and compiler (dynarec) and PSX Port support has been added.
There is also a switch to use READ_CD for CD support. This was used by
some of the FPSE/Amiga 0.08 revisions and might work better than CMD_READ
with some CD-ROMs.
Download: FPSE009R2.lha
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 14. Nov. 2001, 13:49] [Comments: 0]
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