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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: PuzzleBOBs
In cooperation with Emanuele Cesaroni, Nexus Development, the Amiga Arena and Fun Tim World present the game PuzzleBOBS, which is about a "Bust'n Move" clone to be available on the "AMIGA 2001" show.

From now on the demo version is available on, and on the support page of the Amiga Arena.

About PuzzleBOBS

The game was developed by the Italian software company Nexus Development which was founded by Emanuele Cesaroni. Worldwide distribution will be done by Fun Time World in cooperation with the Amiga Arena. Previews of "PuzzleBOBS" can be found in the current issue of the "Amiga Future" #33 (German Amiga Game print magazine), and in "No Cover" issue #88 (German Amiga disk magazine).

Technical background and more:

PuzzleBOBS is completely configuralbe:

  • Screen mode (AGA / OCS / ECS / Picasso96 or CyberGraphX comaptible graphic boards).
  • Bitplanes (up to 16 and 24bit screens).
  • Playable in three languages (German, Itatlian, English).
  • Playable from HD, full or partial installation (min. 14 MB).
  • Written in 100% assembler.
  • Level and sound import.
Backgrounds, bubbles, object speed, music and sound effects, explosion style, and masses of other little things, as well, can be configured to match your own personal desire.

The game was programmed to allow different bubbles to have different characteristics. There are bubbles that bounce back form walls, which of course simplifies severity. The game runs in full multitasking on it's own screen or in a window on the Workbench.

When the game's window becomes inactive the game automatically turns to sleep mode, which is a special feature to let you continue your work on the Workbench. In sleep mode even every audio channel and colour palette get's released - pure culture multitasking. Further and detailed informaiton can be found in the demo version's guide.

Ditribution / contact / developer

Fun Time World
c/o Sebastian Brylka
Tel.: +49 209 / 1485620 (after 17:00 h)
Fax: +49 209 / 1485720

Amiga Arena
Olaf Köbnik

Nexus Development
Emanuele Cesaroni
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Nov. 2001, 22:28] [Comments: 0]
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