Czech Amiga News
Linda Godwin astronaut speaker at Amiga99 going into space & info on show
Bob Scharp wrote:
All of you who attended the Amiga99© Computer show,
hosted by Amigan-St. Louis's Bob and Diana Scharp in
St. Louis, MO a few years back, will certainly remember
the banquet. Dr. Linda Godwin, a current astronaut and
her husband, Col. Steve Nagel (retired USAF), a former
astronaut and current NASA employee, were two unforgettable
speakers. Linda not only spoke of her exploits in the
space program, she brought a video that blew our
(Amiga) socks off.
Well, it's Linda's turn to go into space again. I have
heard that she is scheduled to launch November 29. The
mission calls for her and several other astronauts to
go to the new space station, and return several days later.
I know I speak for all of you when I say that Diana and
I wish her the very best flight and a soft touchdown
back on earth.
Read more under the title link. (ps) (Translation: ps)
[News message: 07. Nov. 2001, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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