Anton Preinsack (ANF)
First test runs of PowerPC G5 gain 2.4 GHz
According to an unconfirmed report on "The Register" two prototypes of
the PowerPC 8500 (G5) of Motorola have gained the level of 2,4 GHz of
clock rate. All other processors of this line work with a clock rate of
1, 1.2 and 1.4 GHz. According to this anonymous source up to one thousend
G5-systems of Apple are supposed to be sold to important developers.
Because PowerPC-processors of Motorola are supposed to work in "Pegasos"
as well as in "AmigaOne" this statement is interesting for future
"Pegasos"/AmigaOne"-succession models which might come. (ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 07. Nov. 2001, 14:17] [Comments: 0]
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