Czech Amiga News
Filemanager: ClassAction V4.31
Martin R. Elsner released version 4.31 of his filemanager 'ClassAction'. The following changes were made:
- Bugfixes: Icon-commands now using the correct filename, GETSIZE displays the correct size and SNAPSHOT also works now.
- The zoom-button takes ClassAction into the fullsize-mode.
ClassAction recognizes about 40 fileformats (gif, jpeg, iff, mods, ...). This lets you perform actions like viewing, execute and edit by clicking on the file. Additional
filetypes can easily be added.
The program needs AmigaOS 3.5 or higher and a 68020 CPU.
Download: classaction.lha (459K)
(sd) (Translation: sk)
[News message: 05. Nov. 2001, 00:35] [Comments: 0]
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