sylvio.k@gmx.de (ANF)
Game: DeepSILENCE-SOMS - New version
After having some server problems the website of the action adventure
'SOMS' is up-to-date, again.
There is a new SOMS version, new pictures, and the forum is working now.
Also the newsletter gets delivered accoring to the rules. The following has
changed since the prior SOMS version:
- A new level.
- New effects like bouldering (press 'b').
- Watter reflects clouds and the main character.
- Children and hares are running around.
- A house was added to the map, but you cannot go inside, yet.
- Smaller speed-ups and bugfixes.
(sd) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 04. Nov. 2001, 15:09] [Comments: 0]
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