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Amiga-Club Deutschland (ANF)

Event:Amiga 2001 - The AC-DE will be there!
The Amiga-Club Deutschland, short AC-DE, will have it's own booth on the Amiga 2001 in Cologne, Germany, and will introduce the club and offer an attractive supporting program:

We will inform those who will stay at home or are undecisive about what's going on on the show by a live webcam. We will organize IRC conferences with Amiga developers, and show the latest hardware and software, like Amithlon or the G-Rex-PCI boards for the Amiga 4000, from the user's point of view.

And of course we are hoping to again be able to answer all of the visitor's questions about the Amiga - the network at the booth with Internet access sure will be of great help for us.

More information about the Amiga 2001 are on our homepage under the title link, and of course on the official show homepage (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2001, 17:14] [Comments: 0]
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