Markus Lunk (E-Mail)
Movieplayer: SoftCinema version 0.15 (full release)
Version 0.15 of the shareware-movie- and animplayer for Amiga with PPC-support
(PowerUP, WarpUP and MorphOS) called 'SoftCinema´ has been published. You can download the program under the title link or under the alternative address.
V0.15 beta 1
- WOS and MOS versions added.
- 30% faster divx;)/opendivx/3iv/h263/i263/intel indeo decoding
- lot of bugs fixed
- added audio.device support, via directaudio.library
- added NOAHI and AHIUNIT options
- Bugfixes in AVI parser, QT parser and mpeg audio decoder.
- Much faster AVI indexx loading, up to 1000%.
- Bugfixed timing routines.
- Fixed GRAY display on fullscreen.
- Fixed RGB15PC and RGB16PC display routines.
- Fixed mpeg audio decoder, should not crash anymore.
- 10% faster mpeg audio decoding.
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 20:15] [Comments: 0]
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