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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: Virus Warning 'Harrier A'
A new virus is found. As far as we know, it has not been spread. But read more about is here . Also, new virus translations added to the Amiga Virus Encyclopedia.
Hi All....
A new linkvirus has been found a few days ago, but not in the wild. It was send to directly to Georg Hoermann (programmer of xvs.library) by the virus-programmer. Georg received the whole source code. This new virus, named "Harrier A" was able to disable the antivirus programs, but with the new xvs.library v33.36, this in no longer possible, due to the new security stuff in the xvs.library code. And maybe that is the reason why the virus-programmer send the code to Georg Hoermann.
We do not know if this virus was released in any way, so if you get a requester poping up, telling you that something is trying to disable the xvs.library, please let us know.
This is what we know of the virus:
Virus name.... : Harrier A
Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus size.... : 4.800 bytes (Uses polmorphic engine)
Infects....... : 020+ machines

In the decoded virus you can read:
.[ Harrier .A 1.02 virus, (c) by ] .Markus! Come back!Hç..,z
(xxxxxxx = Programmers name, removed by Virus Help Denmark)
The xvs.library package will be released very soon.....
Thanks to 'Georg Hoermann' for sending the archive, and to Zeeball for the first test. (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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