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CGX: Snapshots of CyberGraphX V4.3
Snapshot of RadioX on a CGX V4.3 screen [Friday 26-Oct-01] (585K)

Here is a snapshot of CyberGraphX V4.3 Workbench with most of the Multimedia software running. RadioX (under AmigaAMP), Visionary, TeleText software and the ForteMedia801 SoundMixer software. Click on the thumbnail to the left for the 1280x1024x16bit full size grab.

CyberGraphX V4.3 driving 2 screens: G-Rex [Wednesday 24-Oct-01] (492K)

Here is a picture of CyberGraphX V4.3 (not out yet) driving 2 17" Monitors. On the left is a Voodoo4 based card gfx with Workbench running Visionary with TV/Video in the background. A quick peek at RadioX. Screen #2 is on a ViRGE based card and has AmIRC and AmigaAMP running, with the same TV/Video in the background. Both screens are 1024x768x16bit and watching "The Arrival". Click on the thumbnail to the left to see the full shot. (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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