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19.Oct.2001 Bernd Lachner (ANF) |
Sharp announces developer version of their SL5000 PDA for November Sharp has announced the developer version of their SL5000 PDAs for November In the article at the title link there is some concrete information about the operating system of the PDA for the first time. The PDA will use besides the already known Embedix Linux kernel by Lineo Qt embedded and the QT Palmtop Environment by Trolltech as well as the browser Opera. Further, a Java VM is integrated. The article does not mention who provides the JVM. Probably TAO's Java VM won't be used but rather the Jeode Java VM by Insignia, at least this is mentioned on the Sharp developer page for the PDA. Then the Sharp PDA would use the system of the partners Lineo - Trolltech - Insignia - Opera already announced on the Lineo page. Original article at the title link. (ps) (Translation: rh) [News message: 19. Oct. 2001, 12:47] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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