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29.Aug.2001 celebrates third anniversary :-)
For three years our team delivers messages of the Amiga-sector and topics which are generally important for computer and Internet to you. The last year was espacially exciting for us because the new scripts and with it the possibilities to post comments have been a freshening aspect. Although sometimes the ´freshening aspect´ was rather a ´ half-hearted breath of air´. Nevertheless the comments have become an important part of Since the introduction in January of 2001 over 16,000 comments have been given to our messages.

Interesting because it is still always exciting to see how the market develops - or how it does not. In the present time it is quite difficult to understand what will happen - or what will not. Sometimes it is really hard to find the truth between promises, announcements, exaggerations, rumors and disputes. But just this is the attraction - to see how comparatively small groups of enthusiasts can finally start great projects. This is a goad for us make us hopeful.

In our history read how has developed in the past three years, who collaborates and spends his free time for our team gratuitously.

I personally want to thank all the helpful hands because without work of each single one would not be that what it is today. I want to thank all the readers, authors, developers and programmers which deliver all the messages. I espacially want to thank our advertising partners which help us to finance our website with its banner advertisement. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 03:11] [Comments: 0]
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