Dennis 'Psyria' Lohr (E-Mail)
Music: Dennis 'Psyria' Lohr produced song for amiga-news.de
It is a great honour! The musician Dennis 'Psyria' Lohr has composed and produced
a very nice song for amiga-news.de in his spare time. You can find the song at the
download area (title link) at "Amiga-News Theme" (about 7 MB, saved in high quality) or right here:
As I listened to the song I had the idea it would be nice if a demo coder could
create an intro for this. Really would be if someone has an idea for lyrics for this
song. If you are interested send an eMail to ps@amiga-news.de
(ps) (Translation: gf)
[News message: 28. Aug. 2001, 12:38] [Comments: 1 - 30. Aug. 2001, 16:58]
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