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Marc Gutzwiller (ANF)

New swiss onlineshop offering Amigaproducts
Gutzwiller+Dozic Systems, a dealer from Switzerland, is proud to announce the opening of their onlineshop. The shop offers mobile phones, digital cameras, as well as hardware and software for the Playstation2, PC and Amiga. Later on there will be products for the Macintosh and for Audio and Video available, too.

Marc 'Gutzi' Gutzwiller of Gutzwiller+Dozic Systems: "I would like to mention that the Amiga-area is still beta. We know that the Amiga market is very small and that it is not possible to earn money in this market. There are only some but really good Amiga-dealers. Due to this facts we will offer Amiga products as long as we do not loose any money by doing this. Because I am using Amigas since the good old Amiga 500 I hope that we can support Amiga as long as possible. Feel free to mail what you think about our shop. We are pleased about any reaction." (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 08:40] [Comments: 0]
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