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Aminet Uploads
AMINET was down for a week - that's why there haven't been new uploads before today. (as)

Update 18.08.2001:
The Aminet was not down. The HD from ´wustl´ was full. Therefore new uploads weren´t possible.

YAM-Rexx.lha         comm/mail    3K+ARexx Scripte zum Ausdruck neuer Mails
lynx.lha             comm/www   978K+Great WWW Browser,version 284rel1
rpf-firenice.lha     demo/intro   3K+Fire n Ice Cracktro from RPF
SceneryA120.lha      demo/mag   1.4M+Scenery - Scene History Book V1.20
LGUI_Tagalog.lha     dev/misc   241K+LGUI_Tagalog - A Language for LGUI.
AaktInt0701.lha      docs/mags  165K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0701GFX.lha   docs/mags  169K+International infotainment magazine (gra
ExamIntProgSol.txt   docs/misc    1K+Solution of a Programming Exam of my Uni
E2140G-MENU1.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Menu.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/5 *
gumband.lha          game/role  971K+Gumband 2.1.7b - Roguelike solo RPG
diru.lha             misc/misc    0K+English <-> Russian dictionary (near 700
diru_nodb.lha        misc/misc   85K+English <-> Russian dictionary (near 700
sap.lha              misc/misc  655K+Polish-English-Polish dictionary
THORfont.lha         text/bfont   4K+Bitmapped font for email/news reading
alba.lha             util/boot   65K+Lock your Amiga with a password ITA-ENG
cvs-1.11.1p1.lha     util/gnu   719K+CVS 1.11.1p1 - Concurrent Versions Syste
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  24K+PatchBrain v1.36 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 17. Aug. 2001, 18:45] [Comments: 0]
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