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Borut Zivkovic (ANF)

Game: Heretic II patch (especially weaker Amigas will benefit from this)
Hyperion Entertainment released a patch for Heretic II for download. Especially weaker Amigas will benefit from this one; BilzzardPPC users with 040/25 CPU will experience significant more speed. Moreover now the so called "wheel mouse" is supported and visual effects have been enhanced.

The innovations are:
  • Speed. The new version is up to 25% faster depending on the hardware. Especially users with relatively weak hardware (BlizzardPPC with 040/25) will notice a significant speed-up.
  • Mouse Wheel support. Heretic II now supports mouse wheel adaptors that map to rawkeys 122/123 (newMouse etc.).
  • Improved visual effects: "new" Permedia 2 additive blending mode (requires Warp 3D V4.2) (see before and after screenshots) and full Voodoo 3 support.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 09. Aug. 2001, 11:42] [Comments: 0]
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